If I Hit A House, Car, or Somebody Golfing- Is It My Fault? Do I Have To Pay?

Oops! Ever hit a house, car or even another person golfing? Are you responsible and have to pay?

These questions must be running through your head.

Often times an errant golf shot can break a house window, hit a car, or even. hit another golfer on the head.

Instant panic runs through your body. Thousands of dollars could be lost. You could anger someone and they attack you. Even worse you could cause injury to another human.


However, do not panic, there are a few things to know when hitting someone, a car or house while golfing.

Stay calm. Do not admit guilt. Calm the other individual down. Get the facts.

If I hit car with golf ball: The first thing you should do after hitting a car golfing is to stay calm and alert your playing partners.  The driver or owner of the vehicle might be very unhappy with the damage the ball caused to the hood, roof, or even caused a broken window from the errant shot.

Depending on the local or state laws, there is a chance you could be responsible for the damage. However, that is NOT always the case.  Therefore, if an angry motorist demands you give him your information, politely refuse and call the clubhouse. They will either mediate the situation or call the police.

Only after you get all the facts and are reasonably certain you could be liable, give your information to the other party.  Also, you may want to contact your attorney to run the potential liability situation by him or her.  Either way, a quality golf course liability lawyer might be needed.

If I hit house with golf shot:  Again, as with the above situation, you could be personally liable for damage to the home.  But before you start paying up, be sure to check with the clubhouse and maybe even the local police to see what the state and local laws are with respect to hitting a house with a golf ball.  The homeowner never wants to place a claim on their policy, but if actually at fault the golfer may offer to pay some of the insurance deductible.


If I hit another person golfing: This is one of the gray areas of many golf course rules. Each person playing on the course accepts the risk of playing and being possible hit in the reasonable course of play.  The individual with a bad golf shot normally does not try to intentionally hurt someone. Most golfers hit bad shots every time they play.  If an injury happens, especially if someone is hit in the head with a golf ball, contact the clubhouse, possibly 911, and if need an attorney that specializes in golf course injuries.

Intent: It is vital to remember, from a legal perspective, is that if you intend to cause damage to a car, house or individual with a golf ball that is almost always a crime and you will probably be liable for any damage you cause and could face charges. If this happens, consult a golf course injury lawyer immediately.

Conclusion: Injuries can happen on the golf course.  Most times they are complete accidents.  The key to remember is stay calm, get the facts, and do not admit guilt right away. Do not pay if you are not required to do so.  Be sure to contact the clubhouse and even local authorities to find out your rights. If still unsure, contact a local golf course injury lawyer in your area.


Image courtesy of golf.about.com